Packages to fit your plans.
PrepStart Consulting offers two unique packages to fit the two major stages of a student’s life—transition to college and transition to career. PrepStart’s comprehensive packages ensure that a student is covered in every step of the college and career process from start to finish.
College PrepStart Package
College list development
Transcript assessment & course selection assistance
Personal statement & college essay assistance
Resume/activity list development
College application assistance
Standardized test planning
Career major selection/career decision-making guidance
Evaluation of extracurricular activities
*Please note that hourly rates are available for students in their freshman and sophomore years. See Services page for more information.
Financial Aid & College Cost Assessment PrepStart Package
Personalized FAFSA & CSS profile assistance
College Cost Reality Check (in-depth assessment of student's current and future college financial situation)
Comprehensive evaluation of student loan options
Assistance with identifying federal & state grants/scholarship opportunities
Analysis/comparison of awards
Appeal of awards
Career PrepStart Package
Interview/job search strategic plan
Career exploration guidance & tools
Professional networking instruction
Interview preparation
Internship/job application assistance
Resume development
Cover letter development
Portfolio development